Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Everything hurts. Everything.

My stupid knee. My stupid hip. My stupid back.


I must workout tomorrow.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

2.3 recovery day

I couldn't run. My legs just literally wouldn't go!!! My jogging pace was actually slower than my walking pace. How pathetic. Soooo, recovery pace and a lot of sunshine on this lovely thanksgiving day. I guess that's okay!
I think the incredibly tough workout on the mountain yesterday really did a number on my muscles - they were just fatigued today.
I am still glad I went out and walked/attempted to jog 2 miles. At least that is more mileage on my legs when every step counts! And I don't have to feel so bad having a little pumpkin tart later!

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hiked 4 miles with the kids today. Slow and steady. Very steep. We all got a great workout in!! :)

Monday, November 23, 2009


Today I walked a nice long 3.6 miler. I had every intention of going out and running, and then well, to be perfectly honest, I got a very needed phone call from a friend, so, I popped in my bluetooth and walked and talked for just under an hour. I personally think I made a fantastic pace, considering the fact that I was gabbing the whole time!
Loved being outside in the sunshine!

I have thought about doing the Fiesta Bowl 5k race in the beginning of December, but my darling will be out of town and we still don't really know anyone here, so babysitting is an issue. SO, I will wait and do the toys for tots later in the month with my mom. I have planned to walk it with her since that is something we can do together. :)

I will use that day as a part of my training for running the 5k in January. I am excited for that! I also need to start shopping for a 10k!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Yesterday I ran 2.5 miles on the track. It was the first time in this training that I had run quite so far, straight. And it was on the track - which I HATE! I just felt so good and Emma was in dance class around the corner so I had time, and I was SO into my music, so I kept going.
I am doing fine today except this pain in that same knee again. My muscles feel fine. A little stiff, but not bad. I am taking today off, and getting up early tomorrow and going outside for my run.
Tim is off, for the next three days so that is nice, I will take the chance to get some outside workouts in before Thanksgiving.

Don't know what's up with the knee but Tim said it's likely my it band giving me trouble so he said he would massage it out for me tonight. What a great guy, huh?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random thoughts on "the plan"

SO, my goal this year is to set realistic but challenging goals and to actually accomplish them!

I do not have a mileage goal.

But I do have a race goal:

In 2010 I will run (not walk) a half-marathon.

I will likely shoot for the spring since the winter here is the best time to train. I have a few races I am looking at, I just have to talk to my husband and see which one he thinks will work for us, since they all involve travel.

Right now I am training for a 5k. I am going to walk/jog one here in December and then RUN one in January - right before we go home for a visit. I will look at doing one while I am in St. Louis as well. We shall see.

And then I will begin my training for the half. I may stretch out my training by doubling up weeks in the beginning in order to simply get more miles on my legs before I build too much, if that makes sense. (My husband's suggestion - being the long distance coach that he is, I always ask him for training advice!) That being said, some of this depends on the date of my Half. But for the sake of my endurance, I may really need to!

I will keep you posted.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


So I woke up this morning with junk in my throat, hard to swallow & feeling like a truck hit me in my sleep. Doesn't help that I was up until about 1:30 editing pics for my cookbook. Sigh.

Forced a hot shower & the blowdryer 'cuz I knew it would make me feel better all day if I looked decent. Then dressed in yoga pants, my favorite running jacket & tennies thereby increasing the odds of me getting any exercise at all today.

Took the kids to Build & Grow and then Timmy to basketball. There is an indoor track above the gym so that when you are walking or running on the track, you can still see your kid playing. So since Tim came to the game and was down on the gym floor with Emma watching the game, I figured I would pop in the old ipod and head upstairs for a little movin' & groovin'.

I only had 15 minutes since they were already in the 2nd half of the game. So I walked 5 laps, ran 5 laps and then walked the last 5. 15 laps = 1 mile. I was pleased that I got done right when they were finishing up the game.

As I walked to warm up I felt fantastic, and then the run, on the concrete track really hurt my knees. Ugh. So the last 5 lapes were painful.

Well, at least we got a free lunch at Chick- Fil-A (they were handing out coupons at the basketball game).

I am feeling like total crap now. So I am going to take some ibuprofen, have a HOT bath and probably curl up for a nap. I have to do my pilates & core workout but I will likely wait and do that before bed tonight.